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Healthcare Complexity: Where Do I Fit?

I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked as a nurse at an intercity hospital for the past nine years. I started to develop my...

Vulnerable Populations

Intravenous drug use has become a widely recognized contributor to the growing opioid overdose epidemic (Driedger &Wiercigroch, n.d). The...

What is Health?

Are you in good health? At first glance that might seem like a simple question, but what is health? How do we define it? Do individuals...

Homelessness: A Hidden Health Issue

In my health care career, I have had the privilege of providing care to individuals from a wide array of socioeconomical backgrounds. One...

Social Media, Professionalism, and Health Care

The terms social media and health care in the same sentence often creates buzz and controversy. The truth of the matter is that we, as a...

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